Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm Jared Loughner and I'm The N.R.A.

I'm Jared Lee Loughner.  On Saturday, I attended a meet-and-greet held by a traitor to my America, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.  I decided to answer the call of the patriots and jump start the process to take back my country.  I emptied a clip from my Glock into Giffords and some of her treasonous supporters.

I will not retreat--I will RELOAD, as the next President of the United States, Sarah Palin, commanded me to do.  I will not yield my America to the great brown horde from across the Rio Grande.  I will not press "1" for English.  I will not let down Glenn Beck.  I will not let down Rush Limbaugh.  I will be true to my America.  I will demonstrate my allegiance to my America by hacking away at the cancer that threatens us all.

I will take advantage of the crosshair targets placed on this scourge by Pres. Palin and blast them all back to hell where they belong for being soft on immigration, soft on gun control and backing this whole Obamacare idea, which will surely ruin my America.

I'm Jared Lee Loughner and I'm the N.R.A.